Tightness, pain and discomfort around the hips and low back are very common during and after pregnancy. With the postural changes happening in the body during this important, here are some simple stretches you can do to reduce it.
Hip flexor stretch (round ligament stretch)
❖While lying on a table or high bed, let the affected leg lower towards the floor until a stretch is felt along the front of your thigh. Do not allow your back to arch
❖Hold this position for 2-3 minutes while breathing comfortably
❖Repeat on the opposite side
Kneeling hip flexor stretch (round ligament stretch)
❖While kneeling with your spine erect, bring your weight forward over your knee
❖You should feel a gentle stretch in the front of the opposite thigh and into the groin
❖For an added stretch, you can reach your arm overhead
❖Hold this position for 2-3 minutes, breathing deeply